Author Archives: Niulka Perez

Michelle Bachelet

Michelle Bachelet (September 29, 1951). Chilean politician who was elected president of Chile for two periods (2006- 2010) and (2014-2018). Public Health Physician and Pediatrician.

Michelle Bachelet born 29 September 1951 in Santiago, Chile. She is a politician who was elected as president of Chile for two periods (2006-2010) and (2010-2018), thus being the first woman to hold the Chilean presidency. Also, she was a Chile’s Minister of Health in 2000, and was the Minister of Defence under president Ricardo Lagos, being the first woman in Chile or Latin America to hold this political position.

Michelle Bachelet was distinguished by her campaign based on meeting the needs of the country’s poor, reforming the pension system, promoting the rights of women and recognizing constitucionally the rights of indigenous Mapuche people. Also, she founded social programs and impoveearly childhood education.

“Chile need to unite behind the goals of reducing poverty and creating more iqual oportunities so everyone can benefit from what the country has to offer.” Bachelet Quotes Category: Goals Quotes

Bachelet throught this quote confirms its commintment to the Chilean people to reduce the poverty and have better opportunities for the nation, and in turn contribute to the well- being of the economy.

Michelle Bachelet is a woman of outstanding power in our times. She is a woman who despite going through so many dificultiesin life, such as,the torture of her father, Vicente Bachelet, leading him to his death for demostraring his opposition to the Augusto Pinoche regimen. As well as, the imprisonment of she and her mother in a torture center.Despite these and her ideals,thus finishing her pediatric studies in exile. When she was able to Chile, she held several important political positions, among these , being president of the country.

Word Cite

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Michelle Bachelet”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Sep. 2020, Accessed 17 February 2021.